So... I went to the Louvre today, with my family. I took many pictures, but most of them weren't very good, as I wasn't allowed to use the Flash while photographing the paintings. But the rest of the photos looks good, so I'll post just post them.
I went there especially because I wanted to see the Hall of the Dutch arts, called " les arts hollandais" . It's my favorite one, with the hall of sculptures and engravings, called "les sculptures et gravures". I love those two halls.
My mother told me that it would take three years to see all the paintings, engravings, sculptures, etc. in the Louvre if you stopped and looked at them for each 10 seconds. And I believe her ! It's the biggest museum in the world :D
That's one of the Pyramids . It was made of glass, it's really nice, especially when the sun shines through it.

This is one of the many sculptures. It's called " Le Génie de la Chasse", by Jean-Baptiste
De BAY, 1802.

Hall of the Sculptures and Engravings (well, a part of it)

"Persée et Andromède" by Pierre Puget.

One of the rooms of the Hall of Dutch Art.

Almost the whole Hall of Sculptures and Engravings ( it's really huge ).

" La Bohémienne" By Frans Hals.

" Diane la chasseresse" by an Anonymous artist from the Ecole de Fontainebleau.

"Le bouffon au luth" by Frans Hals.
We also went downstairs to see the Egyptian antiquities ( my brother loves Ancient Egypt ) :

The mummy and its... accessories.

Well-preserved sarcophagi.

Offerings to the gods.
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