Here's a new DIY ! My friend gave me an old pair of shorts that she didn't use anymore, and wanted me to turn them into these bleached studded and ripped shorts she had seen on a Website . Of course, I said Yes, and so yesterday I did it all !
Here's for you, an
Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial :
You will need :
-Bleach ( in France, Eau de Javel La Croix ) = 1,5 L. should do it.
-A big bucket of warm water
-Studs ( I got mine on an old studded belt , but you can buy in stores , H&M have some good ones for example ) + Knife to apply them.
-A pair of
Shorts !
Let's Go !
Step 1 : Cut & Distress .First, you want to
cut and
rip/distress the shorts :
After cutting them with them with the scissors, take the sandpaper and just start ripping the bottom of the shorts, right where you cut them. 
When you can see those white threads, you can use your fingers and pull them towards, like taring them apart from the shorts.
Step 2 : Studs . Once you're done ripping and distressing them,
take your studs and
start applying them where you want .
Before attaching the studs, consider if they will be comfortable on that specific spot. Apply the stud by pushing the prongs through the fabric and then bend the prongs inward to secure it.
Step 3 : Dip and Dye . Fill a
bucket of warm water to a height between 1/4 and 1/2 of the bucket. It works with cold water too, but I've heard it goes faster with warm ! Then
shed the bucket with about 1,5 L. of the Bleach, and
start dipping the shorts in the bucket full of bleach+water .
Wear Gloves !
As you will have to leave it there for about 30-50 minutes ( depends on how bleached you want it :
The longer it's dipped, the more bleached it will be ! ), you may want to hang them with some clamps.
I left mine for about 1h30 hour !
BTW : Sorry for that picture-quality...
Step 4 : Rince with cold water. When you estimate the shorts have dipped in the Bleach long enough, just take them out and rince them with cold water .
Step 5 : Allow to dry .
I allowed mine to dry for
almost 24hours, but you
can use a dryer if you really can't wait to see the result and you get very bored and want to wear your
new shorts within the next 5hours... :P
TADAM ! You have a new pair of
absolutely awesome shorts ! I'll ask my friend to send some photographs when she wears them for the first time (= when it gets a little warmer outside :-P ) .
Please, leave comments and don't hesitate sending me photos of YOUR Shorts ! I would love to see the results ! Besides, if you have some comments or advices about my method , tell me please ! "You learn from your mistakes" ;)